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Friday, January 10, 2025 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

An Australian fair dinkum Christmas really is unique

"The tableau became unhinged. Blue angels, sprawling shepherds, wise men and even the doll’s doting parents panicked. Theatrical chaos threatened," Gadfly columnist ROBERT MACKLIN fondly remembers when the school nativity play goes awry.




Labor should be worried if Steel is the answer 

Letter writer SUE DYER, of Downer, believes Labor should be worried if the plan is to have the current treasurer, planning and transport minister Chris Steel take on full parliamentary party and government leadership duties any time soon. 


Why Maconochie must be turning in his grave

"The unnecessary assault upon a defenceless, compliant prisoner, knowing there are three colleagues to back you up if the prisoner retaliates, should be called out as gutless bullying." HUGH SELBY reveals another shameful case at the AMC.



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