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Wednesday, February 19, 2025 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Be grateful you’ve never stood in those shoes

"Next time you watch ugly anger and rage on the news, try standing in their shoes first. Kindness is built on the opportunities created by those who came before," writes Kindness columnist ANTONIO DI DIO.




Wonder, awe and the spiritual New York subway

"In the so-called "silly season" columnists the world over tend to reach back to their childhoods for inspiration. If you’re lucky, the result is sometimes gently humorous or deeply spiritual," writes The Gadfly columnist ROBERT MACKLIN.



Lost city opens up to a digital revelation

"This is an exhibition that appeals on many levels giving visitors a dramatic immersive experience through digital technology. It also caters to those who wish to know more about Pompeii and its history," says reviewer KERRY-ANNE COUSINS.


Skilful performance from classical guitarist

"Stephanie Jones well known to the Canberra classical guitar community and they turned out in a big way for this concert. Albert Hall was full, including the balcony," writes reviewer GRAHAM McDONALD.



Figuring out a wine favourite without numbers

Wine writer RICHARD CALVER has a copy of the latest Halliday Wine Companion and while he salutes the work of  doyen James Halliday, he's not comfortable with numeric scores being attached to wines. 


Saving water and surviving winter

While there are many plants we can grow that use less or little water, drought-tolerant plants also need to survive our cold winters, writes garden columnist JACKIE WARBURTON.

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