The weekend’s starting to buzz and HELEN MUSA’s “Artsday” column shows why… there’s a lot going on!
QUEANBEYAN Multicultural Festival is at Queanbeyan Park from 10am to 4pm on Sunday with live performances, from local dance schools, traditional Colombian, Karen, Chilean and Chinese lion dancing, along with community activities, international cuisine and stalls.
THE third annual National Capital Art Prize, with $45,000 in prize money, is now open to entries across three categories, the Open Prize, First Nations Prize for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists and the Sustainability Prize. Entries to close on June 30.
HARVEST Day Out will include a range of workshops, demonstrations, talks, tours, market stalls, music and a variety of food. Lanyon Homestead, 10am-4pm on Saturday, free entry.
GEOFF’S Poetry at Smiths has Sarah St Vincent Welch and Matt Hetherington reading their poetry. Smith’s Alternative, Civic, 7pm, on Monday.
On stage
- Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “Cats” is being staged by Canberra Philharmonic, Erindale Theatre, until March 18.
- “I Have No Enemies,” Christopher Samuel Carroll’s play about surveillance, at Ralph Wilson Theatre, Gorman Arts Centre, until March 11. Panel talk on surveillance 3pm, Saturday.
- LOCAL comedy duo, as Sparrow-Folk have a new show, “Nice Pair”. Courtyard Studio, until Friday.
- “THE Threshold” is a play by Judith Clingan based on her interviews with Canberra women on ageing and the end of life. Australian Centre for Christianity & Culture, Barton, 4pm and 8pm, on Saturday and 11am on Sunday.
In the galleries
- RUSTEN House Art Centre has two feminist exhibitions as a part of the QPRC Women’s Festival, “There are battles yet to win: Feminist Posters 1979 to Now” and “A Feminist at My Table”, Claire Young’s screen-printed tablecloths made to spark conversations over a meal. Collett Street, Queanbeyan, March 4 -April 29.
- CANBERRA Museum and Gallery celebrates the Enlighten Festival with “Dino Days”, where children aged 6-10 can make their own dinosaur costume, 1pm-2.30pm on Saturday.
- PHOTOACCESS Griffith has “View2023,” featuring works by Emily April O’Neill, Aidan Gageler, Harry Merriman, Gabriela Renee, Aaron Sun, April Widdup and Chenfei Xiao. Until April 15.
- “MOVED To Print”, works by printmakers, Nicole Henry, Claire Young, Giancarlo Savaris, Ann Widdup and Pamela Manning. Canberra Contemporary Art Space, Manuka, until March 12.
- NANCY Sever Gallery has Magda Cebokli’s “The essence of a Space”, City Walk, Civic, (next to King O’Malley’s), March 5-April 9.
- CATHERINE Woo’s work explores the interrelationship between humans and the natural environment, while Peter Vandermark’s “Bricolage,” sculpture looks at how life and art integrate. Beaver Galleries, Deakin until March 18.
- GRAMMY-winning singer, songwriter, producer and best-selling author Richard Marx brings his “Songwriter” tour to Llewellyn Hall on Friday.
- THE “Johnny Cash & June Carter Show” is at The Q, Queanbeyan on Friday.
- THE Garifuna Collective from Belize will play Afro-Caribbean beats, The Street Theatre on Saturday.
- OMEGA Ensemble will be back in Canberra with, among other works, “Time is a River” by Yuin composer Brenda Gifford alongside Schubert’s “Death and the Maiden” and works by Arvo Pärt and Graham Koehne. Ainslie Arts Centre on Saturday.
- Mark Vincent performs songs from The Three Tenors at The B, Queanbeyan, 2pm on Saturday, while “Good Morning Vietnam: Volume 2” will be at The B, 2pm, on Sunday.
- CSO Chamber Classics event present “ Watercolours,” with Chloe Lankshear, Kirsten Williams and Edward Neeman, Albert Hall, 2pm, on Sunday.
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