One of the greatest pleasures of being a newspaper journalist is to work alongside press photographers – quick-minded and empathetic, says arts editor HELEN MUSA.
Director Ed Wightman has gone back to the original 1960 novel of What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? and devised a stage play simply called Baby Jane, reports HELEN MUSA.
It was Batik Day at the residence, Wisma Indonesia in Red Hill on Saturday, as fashion-minded Canberra women gathered to view the latest in fashion design from our huge northern neighbour, writes arts editor HELEN MUSA.
Flanked by showgirls from Legs Dance Academy and fellow singers Kaitlin Nihill and Dave Collins, Gold CAT winner Dave Smith, treated the audience to a bit of "razzle-dazzle" from the musical Chicago.
In a repatriation ceremony at the National Museum of Australia on Wednesday, two Kōimi T’chakat Moriori – Moriori ancestors – were handed back to their traditional custodians.