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Song and dance when worlds collide

Colin Lane, left, and David Hobson… The Playhouse, July 12.

Arts editor HELEN MUSA scans the Canberra arts scene in her latest Arts in the City column.

A comedian and an opera singer’s worlds collide when two old mates, tenor David Hobson and Colin Lane, of comedy duo Lano and Woodley, team up for a song and dance show called In Tails. From vastly different backgrounds, they say: “Gee, wouldn’t it be nice to have a go at what that other guy does?” The Playhouse, July 12.

In its excitement to announce that Ylaria Rogers would be its director for The Merry Widow, the grandly-titled National Opera has gone overboard in saying: “Ylaria founded Canberra’s first semi-professional theatre company, Heart Strings Theatre Co.” Certainly not so. In the more than 100 years of theatre in Canberra, there have been many, many companies to make this claim, with varying degrees of credibility.

Strathnairn Arts’ annual fun competition, Squares (the name tells it all – you paint square pictures) is back and open to everyone, from amateurs to professionals, pre-schoolers to pensioners. Winners share in a prize pool of $2250. Registration closes August 4. Details at

Coro chamber choir makes a welcome return under the baton of David Mackay, with Barbara Jane Gilby as orchestra leader, at Wesley Uniting Church, Forrest, July 14.

Hell Herons, a new spoken-word/music collective largely based in the ACT, has released its debut 16-song album, The Wreck Event. Featuring Melinda Smith, CJ Bowerbird, Stuart Barnes and Nigel Featherstone, it is the result of two and half years working on combining spoken-word poetry with original music. Available on all major streaming services.

Canberra-born classical guitarist Rupert Boyd and American cellist, Laura Metcalf, who perform as Boyd Meets Girl, will be back in town from New York with a house concert at 17 Astelia Place, Rivett, on July 11.

After months of refurbishment work on campus, Friends of the ANU Classics Museum’s volunteer guides are conducting a presentation, Highlights of the Museum, looking at a variety of objects over two days, July 8 and 15. 

Pianist Marcela Fiorillo is taking a break from a busy teaching career in Canberra during July to visit her native Argentina where she will present her new album, Clásicos Argentinos, and give masterclasses for the National University of Musical and Sound Arts.

Helen Musa

Helen Musa

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