“ANNIHILATION’S where the story ends,” Costa Georgiadis was pronouncing at The Playhouse on Tuesday as the members of the Wharf Revue team —“The Wharfies” – went through their paces on stage.
Actually, it was satirist Drew Forsythe wearing a Costa wig and beard, giving assembled media a glimpse of his usual mix of seriousness and hilarity as he railed against the destruction of the environment.
“No time to hesitate, we’ll be compost if we wait,” he told us.
Audiences in the coming week can expect more of the same, with some sharp hits and a lot of fun.
Live music is always a feature of the revue, this year directed by Andrew Worboys who, joined by Jonathan Biggins on guitar and David Whitney on drums, was seen accompanying fellow Wharfie, Amanda Bishop.
“I dance around the questions, watch me,” she sang in the guise of Deputy Leader of the Opposition Sussan Ley (“I’m full-strength Sussan, no Dutton-lite”) before launching into a little stage trot.
Audiences will just have to be there to see which other political figures are lampooned but they can expect the usual rogues’ gallery as The Wharfies pursue their 2023 political theme, “Pride in Prejudice”.
The Wharf Revue, The Playhouse, until November 5.
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