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Friday, January 10, 2025 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Tram push proves unlucky for iconic cloverleafs

Commuters are being told to “rethink your routine” in struggling to get through the chaos in Civic. “Seven Days” columnist IAN MEIKLE imagines many will be rethinking their government at the same time. 

WELCOME to hell. As the years of chaos begin on Commonwealth Avenue, I’m so sorry. 

Ian Meikle.

It seems to be my fault the cloverleaf exits, that so efficiently distributed southern traffic to the east, west and centre of Civic, are now closed and poised for tower-block development.

Replacement routes for the loss of “cloverleaf” off ramps will be “counter intuitive, inefficient and tortuous”, says retired architect and City Hill gadfly Jack Kershaw.

“This whole unfortunate scheme wrecks the important symmetrical open space that is the original Commonwealth Place, formed by the iconic cloverleaf carriageways, south of London Circuit,” he says. 

“That arrangement is an integral component of the Parkes Way (a true “parkway”) function and aesthetic. Instead of Commonwealth Place, we’ll get a set of prosaic traffic lights, and maybe a lonely tram shelter. 

“The scheme is unashamedly one to enable ‘land-value-capture’ high-rise property development on its footprint and beyond.” 

As you wait wondering why in the perpetual traffic-light jams and delays on Vernon Circle, accept some of the blame, too. 

Seems it’s everyone’s fault, except – of course – the government’s, because City Services Minister Chris Steel told us disingenuously: “It’s what Canberrans voted for at multiple elections, and now we’re getting on with the job of delivering on that promise.” 

I wish they’d had the same zeal for, say, making Canberra such a liveable city with a world-class health service and left the 19th century tram madness for the inevitable public transport solution of flexible electric buses. 

The light rail is sucking the life and financial wellbeing from this city and finally, as the grinding reality dawns of debt we can’t jump over, children dying in emergency departments and homelessness out of control, Opposition Leader Elizabeth Lee is to make a stand. The Canberra Liberals will formally oppose the progress of light rail south to Woden. 

Gutsy call, but as she says: “Stage 2 alone from Civic to Woden has been estimated to be more than $3 billion. To put those numbers in perspective, the cost of Stage 2 is the equivalent of building five hospitals or 20 new schools.” 

Meanwhile, back in hell, unmoved Minister Steel is urging Canberrans to accept some responsibility for this mess and “rethink your routine” in struggling to get to work. I imagine many will be rethinking their government. 

THIS column’s affection for Arts Minister Tara Cheyne cannot be challenged. As Menzies said of The Queen: “I did but see her passing by. And yet I love her till I die”. But Tara, Tara you are testing our affection. 

I have snouts everywhere and a theatrical one was in the audience to see “The Torrents” at the new Mill Theatre, helpfully located near Capital Brewing at Fyshwick. 

Let her explain: “The show was running a bit late and the audience was getting restless. Then who should clomp in but Tara Cheyne in her trademark boots. 

“She and her entourage parked their bums in the front row and the play promptly began.

“Then, after intermission, Ms Cheyne didn’t return. Pretty rude, I thought. About 20 minutes later, a giggly Team Tara got ushered in via the actor’s entrance to see the last of the play. It was all a bit of an up-yours to the cast and the audience.

“If I was the Arts Minister going to an arts event, I would have been more conscious of my behaviour.”

Gripping and grinning… “Frog” Harris presents RSPCA chief Michelle Robertson with the proceeds of his latest sale.

FOR more than a decade Brian “Frog” Harris has been diligently raising thousands and thousands of dollars for animal welfare at the RSPCA at Weston. Through his Songland Records store in Cooleman Court, he hosts sales of DVDs, CDs and records donated by his customers. 

The picture shows him giving RSPCA CEO Michelle Robertson his latest cheque for $8500. 

All of which makes proud Frog the Weston animal centre’s biggest business donor. Donations are welcome at Cooleman Court, where he’s also displaying pictures and descriptions of the animals up for adoption.

READER Bjorn Moore, of Gowrie, wrote to say he was talking to a 12-year-old with an e-scooter at the shops and asked: “How fast does it go?”

The boy said: “Around 50km/h on a flat path”.

How much does it weigh? – “About 20kg”.

The boy told Bjorn it was a second-hand scooter and not the same as those used by the commercial hirers around Canberra.

“This is a 12-year- old talking. I believe these things are very dangerous,” said Bjorn. 

“My last question was: ‘Where’s your helmet?’”

LAST edition, in mocking the publicly funded Canberra Writers Centre’s name change to Marion (I know, I know, but I haven’t the space to reboot the silliness, but it’s here), I reported one jokester urging us to embrace this idea and suggested single-name changes for all sorts of national institutions, for example the National Gallery could be known as “Betty” (after former director Betty Churcher).

I asked readers for some single-name suggestions for the ACT government. A couple of the more printable ones are, from Gordon Lowe, “Murphy” (“the ACT Legislative Assembly would henceforth be known as the house of Murphy’s Law”) and a more audio than visual suggestion from Elaine Staples, “Baaaa!”.

Ian Meikle is the editor of “CityNews” and can be heard with Rod Henshaw on the “CityNews Sunday Roast” news and interview program, 2CC, 9am-noon. There are more of his columns on


Ian Meikle

Ian Meikle

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