"The planning reforms are about having even less planning. The consultations are a joke on the community being played out by the planning bureaucracy and their boss, the chief minister," writes "Canberra Matters" columnist PAUL COSTIGAN.
"How has it come about that the Greenslabor's values have been corrupted to the extent that lying pathologically has been normalised as everyday behaviour?" asks "Canberra Matters" columnist PAUL COSTIGAN.
"A car park on Robson Street, Garran, was debated 10 years ago and the plan was dropped. Despite that bit of history, the consultant report sees no problems with 400 car movements a day added to this narrow street," writes PAUL COSTIGAN.
"Savva's book is a reminder of how off the rails the leadership of the ACT’s Greenslabor government is. It has no hesitation letting voters know how much they no longer care what residents think," says columnist PAUL COSTIGAN.
It's been easy for Greenslabor politicians to duck questions about building compliance and regulation by saying it is someone else’s portfolio, says "Canberra Matters" columnist PAUL COSTIGAN.
"There remains a strong case for a fully independent and urgent re-assessment of the National Capital Authority and its role in the future of this wonderful city," writes "Canberra Matters" columnist PAUL COSTIGAN.
"The target has to be that when the warmer season rolls around later this year (November), children and families will be swimming in Lake Tuggeranong. Anything less than that target will be a fail," writes columnist PAUL COSTIGAN.
"Within these complex documents are announcements about what has been decided for your suburb, your street, your home. For many, your home and land are now to be seen as investment opportunities for someone else," writes PAUL COSTIGAN.
"As the work to establish a new form of Heritage Council progresses during 2023, the heritage minister should reconsider her role as a steward of the city’s past and its future heritage," says "Canberra matters" columnist PAUL COSTIGAN.
Columnist PAUL COSTIGAN looks at a new book on artist John Glover, views his works at the Art Gallery of NSW and wanders on to the gallery's new building (Sydney Modern) and its new art library.
"The message was clear. Planning bureaucrats run the city’s planning and the elected politicians, especially ACT Greens such as Jo Clay, need to back off," writes "Canberra Matters" columnist PAUL COSTIGAN.
The Liberals have made headlines about not supporting the tram to Woden.These statements have been the catalyst for media interviews over the New Year featuring the usual suspects – Barr,
Steel and Rattenbury, writes PAUL COSTIGAN.