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Wednesday, January 29, 2025 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku



City Hill land development raises a few issues

Letter writer RON EDGECOMBE, of Rivett, wonders if Andrew Barr's City Hill land sale is consistent with Walter Burley Griffin’s master plan for the future development of the existing open landscape environs surrounding the lake.


Feet up? Ms Lee is there to serve her electorate

"Dr Hughes should have chosen his words more carefully as it gives the impression our elected representatives in 'backbencher' positions are in a job that's very easy and pleasant, requiring little effort," says letter writer TONY FALLA.


A good case of a solution waiting for a problem!

"The grand-daddy waste of money of them all is the perseverance with light rail, despite the availability of much cheaper public transport options that can be delivered far quicker," says letter writer COLIN LYONS, of Weetangera.

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