A glass-plate glimpse of photographic history
One of the greatest pleasures of being a newspaper journalist is to work alongside press photographers – quick-minded and empathetic, says arts editor HELEN MUSA.
One of the greatest pleasures of being a newspaper journalist is to work alongside press photographers – quick-minded and empathetic, says arts editor HELEN MUSA.
"Her career spanned only 12 years before a tragic death. She captured her world – a voracious observer yet also intentional in her approach to narrative and composition." BRIAN ROPE reviews Carol Jerrems – Portraits at the NPG.
An exhibition focusing on an Australian artist’s a career of only 12 years before her death at the age of 30 opened on Saturday as the National Portrait Gallery’s main summer exhibition.
Canberran Samuel Chapman has reached the finals of the Down Syndrome Association’s My Perspective photography and short film competition.