"They went through so many scrapes, just escaping before the opposing forces moved in... the tension never let up." ROBERT MACKLIN says the TV drama The Americans has an ending that might throw a piercing light on the dilemma we face today.
"It pains me deeply, as I’m sure it similarly affects all those former colleagues who toiled beneath the masthead to bring genuine news and heartfelt views to its distinguished readership," writes journalist ROBERT MACKLIN.
"We are the apex predator in the animal kingdom. But aside from the few species we have bred to become dependents – mainly dogs – every other creature on earth fears us," writes The Gadfly columnist ROBERT MACKLIN.
"Aside from nuclear war, it’s hard to imagine a more destructive act from any human being. Yet the world’s leaders have remained silent," writes The Gadfly columnist ROBERT MACKLIN.
"In the so-called "silly season" columnists the world over tend to reach back to their childhoods for inspiration. If you’re lucky, the result is sometimes gently humorous or deeply spiritual," writes The Gadfly columnist ROBERT MACKLIN.
"All that touchy-feely stuff and secret plots between points is truly off-putting. They should make plans, have a big cuddle in the dressing room and use the court for playing tennis, not kissie-kissie peek-a-boo," writes ROBERT MACKLIN.
"My only concern is Trump's dealing with China, but even there I think his tariff threats are part of his so-called Art of the Deal. Will he sacrifice American lives to prevent a Chinese takeover of Taiwan? Really?" writes ROBERT MACKLIN.
"Unfortunately, the human mind is a precision instrument of self-delusion. Its most fearsome power is its capacity to provide self-sustaining fables that support its natural desire to escape its own demise," writes columnist ROBERT MACKLIN.
"The tableau became unhinged. Blue angels, sprawling shepherds, wise men and even the doll’s doting parents panicked. Theatrical chaos threatened," Gadfly columnist ROBERT MACKLIN fondly remembers when the school nativity play goes awry.
"In so many ways we are returning to the botany that is our only hope to survive and prosper in the decades ahead," writes The Gadfly columnist ROBERT MACKLIN.
"Like most journalists-cum-authors, I've had my own bout with booze, particularly in my 30s and 40s. Fortunately, a resilient and beloved wife and my dedication to the storyteller’s art pulled me through," writes ROBERT MACKLIN.
"I’m aware that it’s early days yet. And when Trump actually takes the reins in late January, he might well begin knocking down the guidelines of presidential restraint," writes The Gadfly columnist ROBERT MACKLIN .