For a long time, the film industry has peered down its nose at its younger video-game cousin. A lot of that is for good reason, writes "Streaming" columnist NICK OVERALL.
"Kaleidoscope" is a crime thriller with eight episodes that can be watched in any which way the viewer chooses, which all sounds interesting on paper, right? But does it actually work? Streaming columnist NICK OVERALL takes a look.
Streaming columnist NICK OVERALL gets caught up in a movie that's full of drama, comedy, science-fiction, romance, martial arts, animation and maybe even a bit of absurdist arthouse. he reckons it works!
Is there any better way to cause more arguments than via a top 10 list? Streaming columnist NICK OVERALL thought not when he assembled his top 10 streaming shows of 2022.
Streaming columnist NICK OVERALL says no matter how much hate is piled on, no matter how much people have voiced their disdain, it hasn’t stopped them from staying glued to their screens watching Netflix's “Harry and Meghan” series.
Streaming columnist NICK OVERALL reports on an amusing new documentary that tells the true story of the time Pepsi's company’s advertising department bit off more than it could chew.
While 'Staged' blurs the line between reality and television, its commentary on the entertainment industry couldn’t be any more in focus, says "Streaming" columnist NICK OVERALL.
"While, yes, the cinema is the best way to experience a new film, a movie that goes straight to streaming doesn't make it any less of a movie," says "Streaming" columnist NICK OVERALL.
Streaming columnist NICK OVERALL bemoans that no major streaming subscription comes with access to the 1930 classic “All Quiet on the Western Front”, but Netflix has the next best thing.