Illusionist Michael Boyd's “Circus of Illusion” show, which astonished audiences last year before Omicron intervened, will be back at the Canberra Theatre in mid-January, and this time he feels optimistic that it won't be interrupted.
Julia Gillard’s "Misogyny Speech" is one of 10 pieces of audio content that have been have been inducted into the NFSA’s Sounds of Australia registry in 2022.
It's 21 years today (December 11) since actor, entrepreneur, and Canberra theatrical personality David Branson died shockingly in a car accident en route to a rehearsal with Mikelangelo and the Black Sea Gentlemen, writes HELEN MUSA.
Queanbeyan-born playwright and screenwriter Tommy Murphy comes very close to being what professional hype would call “a local legend”, writes arts editor HELEN MUSA.
A Canberra artist, virtually unknown in the ACT, has just finished holding a month-long solo exhibition of new works at the Artifact Gallery in New York City, reports arts editor HELEN MUSA.