A Canberra artist more accustomed to refurbishing other people’s old artworks, has used her skills on one of her own 37-year-old paintings – and she’s sold it, HELEN MUSA reports.
Veteran choirmaster Gary Smith tells arts editor HELEN MUSA that most people can sing, and "I've only met three or four people over 20 years who have serious irreparable pitch problems”.
ROB KENNEDY reviews the debut solo performance of young clarinettist Harriet Allen. "She has the ability and self-assurance of someone far in advance of her years," he writes.
Arts editor HELEN MUSA has spent an extraordinary 30 minutes watching the National Gallery's latest acquisition, a huge, moving sculpture by American artist Jordan Wolfson, titled "Body Sculpture".
It was something of a love-fest on Thursday afternoon at the National Portrait Gallery when artist Del Kathryn Barton joined Maggie Beer to unveil her new portrait of the kitchen queen, reports HELEN MUSA.
Canberra Youth Theatre is moving house, the company’s jubilant artistic director and CEO Luke Rogers told a crowd gathered in Gorman Arts Centre courtyard on Wednesday night.
An unusual new contemporary artwork crafted in marble has arrived for installation at the Australian War Memorial to represent the “blood, sweat and tears” of service people and their families, reports HELEN MUSA.